Our product catalog has a great selection of aquatic access equipment. Aqua Creek, SR. Smith, Aquatic Access and more.
Excellent alternative to enter the pools through the access ramps or to enjoy a walk along the shore of the beach.
Colorful water bikes, are an excellent for pool workouts. Burn calories and improve the cardiovascular health.
Our Mission
At PooLift Puerto Rico we are committed to help achieving full inclusion in equal conditions and opportunities for those with limited mobility to enjoy indoor and outdoor activities that include access to pools, spas, and beaches. The elimination of physical barriers requires effort and cooperation on the part of public and private sectors as a social awareness.
Together, we can accomplish that mission.
Iraida Dávila Hernández
Blog & News
Noticias informativas sobre accesibilidad acuática, inclusión y otros temas.
Revolution Lift XL Renovada
Nueva Revolution Lift XL En los pasados meses el fabricante Aqua Creek Products dio a conocer su nuevo y mejorado modelo Revolution Lift XL sustituyendo
Fit with Protone
Muchas veces cuando asistía a un gimnasio podía observar que no habían equipospara ejercitarse diseñados para personas en silla de ruedas. En una ocasión vi
Escalera de Acceso ADA Easy Stair
ADA Easy Stair Recientemente PooLift Puerto Rico ha adicionado a su catalogo de productos las escaleras de acceso ADA Easy Stair. Este equipo puede hacer
Our Gallery
PooLift Puerto Rico is proud to be part of a movement of inclusion and access for all those who want to enjoy water activities. Thirteen years and counting….